For your benefit here are the terms.
Best of three challenges to take place on mainland Avalon on at a time
both fighters agree upon.
Sketches to be given to me before each challenge.
God chosen as referee to be agreed by both fighters.
Death to challenge is only counted upon \"ghosting\" of individual - not to
power rituals or olvar.
I believe that's what I discussed with Genesis, now kindly keep your
jaws closed. If Orinoko and I want to proceed with the challenge then we'll
be the first to let you know.
Orinoko: As for Orielle who has not been a pacifist for years... you are
worrying me as I think you are getting Dunccan's symptoms visorlockdownsus.
Evil Aerian
Written by my hand on the 17th of Paglost, in the year 1093.