A few thoughts on knights.

Tleilaxu, Bending Towards Madnessto Everyone

As most of you know I used to be a seer but changed over to become a cavalier. So after having played with some

of the knights skills I think there is a slight imbalance that needs correcting and I just wanted to post it here

to get some feedback and see if people agree. The imbalance that I speak of is the fact that if a knight jabjabs

a pentacle they don't lose balance at all, this has lead to many putting a scythe jab at the end of the jj macro

so that if they do hit a pentacle they just imediately scythe it anyways. I personally don't think this is right

I'm not sure if this applies to the other professions with their attacks but if you don't see a pentacle go up

and you attack there should be some penalties for it.

However if this correction should be made another one should be made in order to counter balance, if a knight can

cleave away mists of peace why not constricted mists? These mages who put up location after location of mists

is just plain ridiculous and I think that trading loss of balance when hitting a pent for the ability to make

mages think a bit more on their feet is reasonable trade, what does everyone else think?


Written by my hand on the 10th of Eleuthral, in the year 1091.