Finbar mate, just be happy when the elite warriors of the evil and darkness even issue back.
I am almost giddy when i get a challenge even if I lose I love it, truth is the core of cowardice lies when they will not fight unless they are sure of winning.
Gaar bitching to you about teaming? Just goes to show you Justice has come to avalon, after a nice little bit of teaming between kodiak and gaar wher they managed to kill me a couple times and ship my eagle, (i could have run at any time and gotten to
a more safe location)
I issued challenges to every thakrian on line, they all left or declined as i went to thakria I killed their men, stood in the center of thakria square for a ten twenty minutes while gaar cowerd in his stockroom. a cavalier. hiding. scoff.
I stood there ALONE, and 4 thakrian fighters 2 of wich are on my peers list, the other two no smaller than half me. just watched me, as they shouted brave words begind their pathetic little holes.
The moral of the story is, let them run, let them hide. But nothing will ever change the fact that they are cowards, hiding behind locked doors waiting. for their chance to come outside and attack then run back to their temples (tetsuo) their stockroo
ms (kodiak,zenichiro,matthew, etc)
It is sad, when bandits, who are supposed to run out and stab you in the back, have more cojones than the might of the elite warriors of thakria.
Written by my hand on the 6th of Leaflost, in the year 1090.