Greetings to my fellow Springdaliens,
I know there is only buzz about the invasion right now. But I wanted to let everyone know that I am incredibly sorry I have not been able to attend any of these harvest or planting times. I really really have tried and hopefully I'll make it someday
! (times are inappropriate a lot!) Now. Onto the invasian...
Now, onto the fight. I found myself unpleasantly surprised to log on last night to find a bunch of Thakrians stumbling around Springdale. Giliad and Pyrious were the only two fighters on. (Or maybe just Pyrious was. anyway Giliad if he wasn't on a
t THAT time was on like two minutes after.) And I really wanted to say that I was very impressed with them. With all of us actually. After being killed the second time (by a LW, Gunn, of course) Gunn told me that I should just stay inside. I resp
onded to him by saying that there was no way. If Springdale was in fact being defeated in this small battle, we would be going down swinging. I had no hesitation in making such a response to him, because I was witnessing that very fact. I did not s
ee anyone hiding. We all took up arms, even the little ones. After being shipped, or dying there would be regrouping, then another attack (whether futile or not.) This was my first opportunity seeing Springdale on the defensive, and I am incredibly
impressed. I am not exactly sure where I am going with this post, other than I want to praise everyone involved. Then I want a separate paragraph for Esprii. :)
Esprii fought with us as if she were my own sister or a fellow Springdalien. If you see her thank her for her courage and her persistance. We got a magrit up (Trying to pull Marik in with us but he kept getting jumped) and it kind of failed (miserab
ly). She gave me advice, did not leave Springdale until the invasian was over, and fought until her health was at 570 (at the end of the attack). Even after the invasian she helped Dunccan with Kodiak and Lancelot. I know that my words of praise fo
r her can really do no justice, so if you do see her, send her a tell or a message and let her know that we all really appreciate her valor. I know I do. Without her I am afraid I would have been dying much more than I did. There, I'm done with my
incessant babble.
chant sight
cast me you all on this side of the night,
P. S. Our little avrit with Thakria, and our battle with them. a couple weeks ago, or last week... was MUCH better. Correct me if I'm wrong, but was this invasion similar to a punch in the stomach, wheras our havoc was a noose to the throat??
Written by my hand on the 28th of Cloudburst, in the year 1089.