order of caos.

Sorry Chaos.

When the odds were on our favour, and lancelot asked me to stay out of a fight, i always would, when alarius and (whoever) went after lance i would let him and kiarn defend themselves without interfeering in team fights i would ignore him and he would

ignore me. now the odds are not in my favour at least at nights. and my first day back he teams me, i have had extensive talks with many an order member of chaos and ex order members, and even Lord Damocles himself, i do not sully the name of chaos

with my words. Sir Lancelot does with his actions.

I challenged he refused then he teamed me, this i expect from the likes of zenichiro Orin. but lance completely let me down. Again i repeat i have nothing but respect for the prefaces stapled by the Lord of Chaos, but have none of the same respect for


Written by my hand on the 30th of Cloudburst, in the year 1079.