Normally I would ignore your diatribes but as you used my name here, I
felt the need to respond. I do not issue or accept challenges or duels
and I never have. I also never enter tournaments or fighting quests.
This is the role I play and my rationale for it is very simple.
The only reasons I see to fight a challenge (or duel) are for fun or for
\"honour\". I have done more than my share of fighting in other realms I
don't consider it to be a lot of fun. I also don't feel the need to prove my
manhood by demonstrating how well I can type or time my balance
Fighting is a big part of Avalon but it isn't all there is to Avalon. Some
people live only to fight. Some people live only to fight with \"honour\". I
respect those views but that attitude just isn't what floats my boat. I
prefer to vanquish (or frustrate) my foes economically, militarily, or
I am NOT a pacifist however. I fight to defend, I fight to obtain payback,
or I fight to gain strategic advantage over my adversaries PERIOD.
FAIR fighting is an even rarer part of Avalon but then again (in my
opinion) \"fair\" fights are best relegated to tournaments.
The ONLY objective of a REAL fight is to WIN it. If my adversary has a
stick, I bring a knife. If he brings a knife I bring a sword. If he brings a
sword I bring friends with swords. If he brings friends with swords I hide.
Yes I fight against multiple opponents. Yes I fight one-on-one. Yes I
team. Yes I hide. But I fight when I chose to fight, not when YOU chose.
I do my share of killing and I do my share of dying. But I do both outside
of the structure of challenges and duels. There are plenty of people
here who relish the challenge and the duel. Seek them out and have
fun. If you wish to TRY to kill ME however, take a cue from Orinoko.
Stalk me and jump me every chance you get. Just stop whining about it.
Written by my hand on the 14th of Skyelong, in the year 1078.