While I am very hesitant to post on the fighters board, I will reply here to your post for the sake of continuity. I won't go into the scoring algorithms used for determining opening odds for the tournament, however I will direct you to word \"contende
rs\". Not taking that into account, Fistandantilus, would be, in your words \"foolish. \"
With that being said I must have missed your wager *grin*. No matter, betting window still open. Now back to the full intent of your post, which was to annoy Threap. Perhaps he will post your words in his den for motivation. *Shrug* more entertainment
for the rest of us.
Oh and Fistandantilus your 8 to 1 and Threap is 2 to 1, not the opposite, which make you two the favorites.
Written by my hand on the 22nd of Skyelong, in the year 1075.