
Artisan Rajj, Hermit of Loreto Meerkat

There were no staves involved in Tleilaxu's fight. And going after him was my idea. So stay of of something you have no idea about.

And most of the time, I do not come out until Dunccan or Alarius is on, and that is for one reason only. I get teamed EVERY single time.!!

Duh... What would you do? You dont have any enemies right now, so it is easy to remain off DP...

People like me have many enemies, and if Im not DP a group will make sure that I am. so then I am to lose DP again after shipping, just to go back to the same group? How idiotic is that? We all now that answer coming from your inept mind.

Normal Avalonian is not off DP, everyone goes on it, and stays on, speak to some of your friends, they do as well.!

I accidentally lost DP? Funny how I know Kiarn didnt tell you that, and that you have just made that up. How juvenille!!

Dont fret young one, you will grow up some day.

Rajj, still free to do whatever. not a pigeon like Meerkat who only does what others say!

Written by my hand on the 19th of Ilmarael, in the year 1074.