
I did indeed attack eavis, but I checked the LW list before doing so and I didn't see him there, that doesn't mean that he wasn't it just means that I didn't see his name.

I do not intentionally attack LW's and I think if you ask around you will find stories of LW's that i attacked not realizing their status, those same LW's will also tell you that once i realized the situation i healed them fully and moulded the wax.

I am just as against attacking LW's as anyone else, we need them if there is to be an enemy to slay or an ally to keep you from being slain in future times. So if Eavis is indeed still an LW then I offer my most heartfelt apologies. However I do lov

e burning the new crop of merc mages that has sprung up, and no I don't have anyone near my size to pick on instead I have no peers in mercinae or in springdale, so I do get a little bloodthirsty when I see a younger player not on the lw list.

Enjoying free reign of the palantirs of Avalon, Tleilaxu

Written by my hand on the 13th of Springflower, in the year 1074.