Well I know that slight exaggeration certainly helps the presentation of any case - but I think Mr Threap may be getting a little carried away. Here are some facts that may help in your thoughts and discussions.
1) There is a limit to how many apples a pack can hold, and it is many many less than thousands - unless of course you are suggesting that people are using multiple boxes and packs and sacks to hold the things.
2) In our last fight I actually used considerably fewer apples than you did lestagii. Congratulations on your seemingly unending supplies of lestagii and various poisons. You must be brewing 24 hours a day.
3) I have never eaten more than 1 apple in one sitting. 20 would be far beyond my poor little stomach. Maybe the sheer amount of scroll that you are putting through your demon underlings means that my actions are being concertinaed in terms of recept
As several opponents have found, the eating of apples can be easily attacked and prevented. Surely they are not better or more inventive than you.
That is all - thanks for listening.
Written by my hand on the 15th of Cloudburst, in the year 1074.