subject change.

Sir Dunccan, the Lion of Mercinaeto Everyone

As much as i like the mud slinging, lets change subjects. lately lws have been attacked or people RIGHT off the lw list, this is unacceptable behaviour so i suggest a time we let them grow yes? If we lose the new people in avalon we lose our diversit

y and fun, we lose what makes avalon cool and just becomes a doom type game yes?

We NEED the newbies. so lay off all cities. lets say anybody less than one fourth your size is off the kill list if he didnt attack you first and even though you should respect his equipment because of the psicological ramifications of being incapacit

ated and stripped are wide and varried.

Just give them time to get used to fighting and learn. Lay off the sadist tactics everyone. thankyou.

Written by my hand on the 28th of Paglost, in the year 1073.