and Cimares and everyone.

What i find lame, is all my enemies either dp or in a store room. I had to find my fight from the East.

And i thank the great Zheredan for taking on the challenge and kicking my furry behind.

Now, Athena, even though you have been getting a ton better about hiding and accepting a challenge, dont ya think its kinda lame to respond to every post on here?

Even if you know nothing of the subject, and can't spell to save your life. After all, you are the Guildmisterss of the most hiding and coward guild in all of Avalon...

That store room must have something real special for all of ya seers and sorcs and cavs to fit in there.

Considering ya spend all your time in there. Just makes me wonder.

I've had sorcs bb on me, and seers too for that matter, so before you post anything on this forum, perhaps ya should educate everyone in your city. Being that you are a baron of your city, or atleast used to be, i dont know, and dont really care...

Anyhow, enough rambling... And before all of you lame aerian types respond, just type quit, and issue challenge Pahn. I want the fights, i want the challenges, i live for combat. Live or Die.

Written by my hand on the 11th of Paglost, in the year 1072.