The Truth of Battle.

Arikarr D'Malachiato Everyone

Ah, I see my name has cropped up in this pit of weak willed, feeble minded posts, made by those that cannot comprehend the simple truth behind all battles in the realm of Avalon.

Yes, I teamed you Fistandantilus. It struck me as a good idea, as I have a hard time with mage rits, and I saw a chance to beat you into a pulp, make you weaker, and prevent you from taking action against me or my allies for a few days.


Well, you shouldn't be, for that is the very core of the nature of Avalon.

Might, in all its forms, makes right.

I've been taught that by my enemies, YOUR allies, in a variety of amusing ways over the years, and now I feel I finally understand it.

When in battle, no matter whether you are being teamed, or duelling or in pitched open warfare, there is only one real goal... And that is simply to WIN. To achieve Victory.

Why else take part?

Given that as a premise, then does it not follow that only a fool would not use ALL of the facilities at his disposal to achieve that victory?

Team people? Take what I want from those weaker? Fight a duel amongst friendly staves? Utilise the presence of a mages rituals? Turn CCCs on you and fight where it is hard for you to do so?

Hell yes, I say!

Think about it...isn't that what we all do anyway? Really?

One last thing..... in Order to fully embrace this philosophy, you must also understand the futility of arguing over WHY you lose a battle as well as HOW you won one...

Accept losses, as they DO happen, and most often through your own mistakes or an opponents superior knowledge. Revel in Victory.....

Because thats what its all really about it, isn't it?

Arikarr, realist.

Written by my hand on the 2nd of Mournsend, in the year 1072.