
Maiya, The Mercifulto Potty Mouth Athena

I just wanted to say Athena that I thought it was soooo sweet the way you and Dirl

were hugging each other in the stockroom last night. I wanted to join but I realize

that it was just a Thakrian-only hug party. You know, I used to think that hugging was

a sign of weakness, but now I know that human contact is a much needed necessity in

this crazy world of ours. The touch of another scared individual can add great strength

in your time of weaknesses. I know that saying that is sort of redundant when, lol,

my God, your whole life is a sign of weakness, but anyways. Just wanted to say that

I fully support your 'Make Hugs, Not War' campaign and I will not bother you when you

are snuggly nestled in your stockroom planning your next violence protest.

I guess the Pool of Life is even more similar now to that divinely protected loc of Dirls

and yours since your endless crying has created a body of water.

To the HugMonkeys of the North!

Maiya The Merciful

Written by my hand on the 11th of Hindyear, in the year 1071.