Reasons to be cheerful, part IV.

Arikarr Soulbaneto Everyone

I play Avalon for a couple of mundane reasons, such as escape from stress at work

and in my social life (running large scale LRP can be VERY stressful). But my main

reason is you lot. Yep, I find you all intriguing and fascinating. It's incredibly

stimulating to only meet one part of someone personality taken to extremes. I'd love

to meet you all face to face, as I'm sure that we'd all get on like a house on fire in

RL. Yep, for me it's you lot. I love ya all!

Nivea, thats a VERY interesting idea there and I think we would all band together

against a massive external threat.

Arikarr, who still has problems with the Hard, Cold killer image so desirable to Sorcs.

Written by my hand on the 6th of Paglost, in the year 977.