ahhh, so you forget to mention the mercinaen cowards who never leave their stockrooms, or the pool, or their precious divine protection... When, may i ask, have i remained DP longer than it takes me to leave the pool after being shipped? When have I f
ailed to aid someone in need? When have I shown cowardice?
Don't spout shit before looking around yourself first. As far as I'm concerned, YOUR citymates spend more time protected or hiding than they do anything else... check the who list every now and then and you'll see what i mean... THEN, check the prote
cted list
Oh, and also, don't forget to check the challenges list.
This is cowardice... Jumping someone who is 1/3 your size or smaller, for no apparent reason.
This is cowardice... Teaming someone who is 1/3 your size or smaller, because you are afraid they might win one on one
This is cowardice... slaughtering someone repeatedly when they are doing nothing more than standing in their own city.
This is cowardice... hiding from challenges, only to leave sentinel runes in the location where one logs or goes bb
This is cowardice... failing to respond to an honourable challenge
As I said... IF you want to speak truth instead of false accusations, look in your own backyard first. Mercinae, the \"city of light and justice? \"
Bah, I say, the city of cowards and fools is more like it
And, if what I do is considered cowardice, and traitorous, then I will wear the badges of coward and traitor with pride, for I earn them every moment I am in the realm.
Meerkat, the cowardly traitor
Written by my hand on the 10th of Midwinter, in the year 1070.