This is like a Soap Opera!.

Quiet Naomi the Conspiracy Theoristto Everyone

claps:: I just love this board. Its the most fun to read. Never a dull moment.

I think some of us forget that when you come right down to it, everybody here is prolly a pretty OK person. I mean, all of us (when you look behind the computer screen) are just a bunch of people with similar intrests.

We like roleplaying and the internet. We just... get overly competitive. I always wonder, if the Gods ever decide to do some interesting Storyline where invaders from another land attack Avalon, will we all bond together? I'd like to see that happen on

ce, just once. Then we could all return to hating eachother.

::shrug:: But these are just my ramblings... until next time...


Written by my hand on the 28th of Springflower, in the year 977.