I was quite flattered yesterday that, despite my lack of having done anything to you other than to stop being treated like your little bitch, that you felt you still had to team me whilst I was sitting in helles sq... I consider it an honour when i ge
t teamed 7 on one...
Now, if you choose to keep complimenting me like that, especially since I've never done anything to you, then I will start acting as though I deserve it. I may not be able to kill you, Dunccan, but I have no qualms whatsoever about hunting down your
family, friends, loved ones, or otherwise. So, I would suggest that you mind your own business and leave me the hell out of yours.
As for the rest of you do-gooders out there... I was not a problem to any of you. I did not betray you. I am not the untrustworthy traitor that you all believed me to be from the moment of my birth in this realm. You all may think you're hot snot on
a silver platter now, but what you do proves that you're only cold boogers on a paper plate.
As for you, Ghandarin. Thanks for trying to strip me yesterday. Aye, you may have gotten some few things, that i'd not had a chance to properly protect, but it just proved to me how much better it is to be a Parrian than a mercdalian. Everything I lo
st was replaced within the r/t hour, so your attack was without a point. Continue the hostility with me, and I will do the same for you that I will for anyone that I cannot kill. I will hunt down the things that you love the most, and I will destroy
them. I will take them apart, piece by piece until you hang your head in shame, for you cannot protect the things, or people, that you love the most.
Face it. You lost a good thing by treating me like shit. I was prepared for an amicable split, where I would not initiate hostilities toward any of you. But you decided otherwise. What happens now... let it lie on your own foolish empty heads
Written by my hand on the 1st of Cloudburst, in the year 1069.