Youve thought it fun and dandy to team and hunt down the citizens of mercinae, wel no more for every citizen you hunt down i will hunt YOU down and ANOTHER citizen one of the same size or caliber as the ones you are teaming. But I WONT let up, ill pre
asure you and preasure you and preasure you,
Most of the idiots in avalon are going to respond to this post saying some idiotic wittiness or another, fact is i might not be able to kill you but i will be able to take your freedome to live outside of your hole not under the protection of the divi
nities. Thats right thakrians heres a new quest for me that goes beyond that of hilt of Thorssus.
My new quest is to see whos freedom I take most, you can try and fight back I supose, i hope, you do if not its quite boring. I will go for the strip if you OR your guild members have done it.
You will learn to fear us.
Written by my hand on the 20th of Mournsend, in the year 1069.