
Maiyato Everyone

The following are excuses used by Thakrians to avoid challenges and duels by me during the last

couple weeks:

\"I thought this was a group fight? \" -Gaar

(Told to me after I was teamed by him, Joely, Aerian and Eldur moments upon logging in).

\"I don't know where you are so it would be too easy for you to kill me. \" -Gaar

(Told to me after I issued a duel to him, realizing he's 3/4 my might and not so tiny after all).

\"I'm fighting against you for the Sword quest. \" -Joely

(Told to me after teaming me with Flagg and Aerian in the Halfway Tavern while the sword was in the

hands of a half dozen Parrians within Parrius).

\"Not that I need an excuse not to team you. \" -Flagg

(Told to me after taking my head when it was someone else that received the kill).

\"You're too boring. \" -Kodiak

(Realizing he had no one on to fight with, I offered him challenges and duels. Later that night,


\"Thakria's a disgrace the way no one is pulling together to get the sword. \"


(Told to Orinoko and I after no Tharkrian had the balls to help him take the sword for the glory

that once was Thakria).

\"No, you're better than me. I have nothing to prove. \" -Drasnia

(Told to me after issuing duels and challenges for almost a week straight).

\"What so I can watch you bond and run away from me all night? \" -Blotto

(Told to me after issuing a challenge to her. I was then team-jumped by her later that night).

\"Ooooooh! \" -Grahjhl

(The only dumb pseudo-word that came out of her mouth one night when I was getting teamed by her -

not during the Sword quest).

\"I'll kill you when I'm good and ready. \" -Nennieth

(Never answered a challenge. Still hasn't killed me).

\"Mercinae and Springdale have joined up so Thakria and Parrius are joining as well. \" -Zenichiro

I wondered for a long, long time after this. So what if Mercinae and SD join for the quest? Are

these two cities not the underdogs even when matched against the lone cities of Parrius and thakria?

When did patriotism become so watered down for Thakrians that they gave up in the first few days of

the quest and decided to help some other city win the Sword of Thorssus?

In what manner will the likes of Flagg, Joely, Gaar, Kodiak, Dartanian, Aerian, Eldur, Scar and

every other active fighting thakrian feel PRIDE in what they have accomplished in this quest?

Were there ever TALKS between these cities to make it so merc and SD DIDN'T join together anymore?

To make it every city for themselves? I know the answer to all of these, and it doesn't take a

shiny crystal ball to see it. You are all lazy and self-gratifying.

Thakria has been made to look like imbeciles the way they hold out their hand and beg to assist

the likes of Parrians, a city that then raids their city the very next day on a time-honoured Galleon


There is no role-play anymore because it takes too much EFFORT for you all to step into a role that

isn't your normal, boring self.

This quest wasn't just about odds and which cities were against which cities. The Sword was to be

kept out of the hands of the hoards of evil creatures that sought the power of Uzrog. I know now

that us humans are no different in our evil ways. The quest was lost. By all of you.

You have disgraced yourselves.

Written by my hand on the 23rd of Skyelong, in the year 1067.