Dunccans Stupidity.

Sepeto Everyone


Ok Big bad Dunccan is trying to flex his puny muscles. Well little boy listen to this, if you want to play that game we can play that game right. You can pick a few poisons, I can pick em all. Just go ahead and be stupid and dare me. I'll pick avalon

clean, then supply EVERYONE in avalon with poisons, except you.

You know I have the time and determination to do this, as well as the friends. Sure sure, go ahead and spout how you can do this or that to me. Blah blah blah bla. I've had a heck of alot bigger and vastly superior fighters threaten the same. Yet here

I am.

So you have a choice, start a picking war, which you will easily lose, or get back in the game.

Note to all other avalonians, should Dunccan, and thus the Knights, desire to continue on this course, and as a result all poisons are picked and mainatined at zero, come see me for your poisons. For the durations of Dunccans idiocy I'll give you a re

asonable amount for free, Dunccan will ONLY deprive himself and the Knights guild.

Written by my hand on the 9th of Skyelong, in the year 1066.