Suffice to say, a single ULT Sorcerer and a single ULT Animist together
with a ton of essence could replant Avalon with all the poisons and herbs
anyone could ever want. A subsequent, disciplined picking and
replanting system could insure this abundance forever. So why hasn't
this happened?
Simple. Avalon is different from that other world which has the benefit (or
detriment) of laws, police forces and, courts. Here we have only
ourselves to regulate ourselves. The Gods, in their wisdom, generally
choose to stay out of such petty mortal matters.
In RL, but even more so within Avalon, it is DIFFICULT to regulate a
SINGLE group wherein members naturally have conflicting and
competing goals. It is IMPOSSIBLE to regulate MULTIPLE groups with
even more diverse objectives.
Allow me to cite an example. The bane of the Loremaster profession is
the pentacle item. We have only a couple, fairly ineffective guild skills
that go through a pentacle. A determined foe with a pentacle item
REALLY needs to screw up in order to die to an attacking loremaster.
Now the rub is, we CREATE these items. One would think that a single
profession (four guilds) could ban together and regulate these items for
our common good. We have been utterly unsuccessful to date in such an
If we, as a single profession, can't enact and enforce a rule on a single
item that would serve our common good, how on earth would you expect
multiple competing guilds and professions to observe rules on multiple
poisons and herbs? Your attempt to do so - be it noble or selfish,
inventive or naive - is constrained by the realities of human nature and is
doomed to failure.
Personally, I'd love to see the poison shortage continue indefinitely, but
then again, I'm equally sure the majority of Avalon wants to see pentacle
items continually available. Such is life. Such is Avalon.
Written by my hand on the 28th of Midwinter, in the year 1066.