
Mage Meerkat, Mercinae's Ladies Manto Maiya

First off, thanks for proving my point, to the T

Yeah, you jumped me. You killed me. Bravo, you killed a one week old who called you on the very cowardice we all know and hate you for.

Then, you bitched, pouted and moaned, because you're a dumbass who tried to strip me when you jumped me, so I turned the tables on you, got most of your potions, a few buckets and a pan, before you ran like the cowardly little bitch you are. And this

was WITHOUT having rits up... at all.

Then, you apparently had to prove that you're big and bad, so you killed me again in challenge, since with your bloodlust, all you could do was smokering karfar and hope to catch me like that, while I was setting up for a challenge with someone else.

Then, after ten minutes, when you noticed that I hadn't died, you came in and bellowed my mount, to screw me up YET again, while I was trying to prepare for the same challenge that you interrupted in the first place.

Oh, then you ran right offline when Mohrion and Cordon came online. Gee, I wonder why?

Hail Mercinae! Hail Lord Proteus!


ps... thanks for the potions, by the way, mucho appreciado

Written by my hand on the 12th of Midwinter, in the year 1066.