Yes, for your small little pea-brain, that IS an insult.
Just had to get that outta the way, and now that I have, I'll speak my piece. ... If anybody here believed your last post, then they are probably the same people who believed that Milli Vanilli actually sang their own songs
Or they still believe in the tooth fairy, santa claus, and the smart blonde. You can try to play innocent, but I've only been here a week, and have caught onto your little game already. I haven't seen you, personally, but I'd be more inclined to beli
eve someone who told me night was day than to believe your idiotic rantings and ramblings... For all that you're rotting behind DP, you may as well just go PW, and start ranting on the pacifists board instead of the fighters board.
Oh, wait, you think you're special, like enough to get the entire skillsets of poisons and herbs rearranged to suit you and your selfish desires... So they'd have to make a new board entirely for you... I think they'd probably call it the \"Long Distan
ce Runner\" board, since that seems to be the way you fight... Run fast, hide good, and retract challenge just after you hit your super-key that shuts you down and QQ's you
Hail Mercinae! Hail Lord Proteus!
Meerkat (absolutely disgusted and horrified by you)
ps... I think someone nailed you with mar, you might wanna sip an allheale
Written by my hand on the 1st of Midwinter, in the year 1066.