Considering this venue seems very ooc, I thought I would drop in
my 2 cents. I play because I love being broke. (chortle) No seriously,
I play because it's a) fun, b) a way to socialize c) a way to find out
odd things about people from different place that I KNOW your
social studies classes won't teach you in school and d) because for
us psych majors playing (and yes there are lots of us) several individuals
who play make for very fascinating subjects to analyse. (I won't
mention any names, but I am sure everyone can think of a few.)
Besides, it's the best way I've found to irk my RL hubby in about 5
seconds, turn on avalon, and boom! Instant fight! (No, I really
don't go looking for fights, but it sometimes does drive a complaint
home.) smirk
Niv, the wickedly mischievous fun seeker
Written by my hand on the 20th of Springflower, in the year 977.