You are NEVER in a stock room making essence so dont go there, dont be silly, and even so neither mohrion or dartanian play very much and when they DO play they dont spend it evoking
Furthermore plaman you dont play usually the time good ol dart does. the fact is that i stumbled a cross a poison bug now i havnt gotten it to work but the way i see it if you can manage to get 200 of something once you can virtually refill your own p
ouches to 200
ive already bug filed it. So i hope it takes effect, so dont LIE about essencing and evoking ive evoked for some 15 odd hours and have some 130 essence to show for it that does NOT accound for the amount of poisons used. i mean for crying out loud ze
nichiro. a non thakrian. a person who NEVER is essencing much less talking to a sorc to evoke herbs used some 70 or 75 erasmus on me . i know the exact number because i only fought him that day
and i got refilled kelventari twice first for 30 second for 35, so dont bs me about where you get your poisons.
Written by my hand on the 28th of Hindyear, in the year 1065.