Too many tangents.

Maiyato Everyone

I'm glad a lot of you have shared your thoughts, however, you are all missing

the point (except Nuincuiel).

Yes, it sucks to use 80 erasmus for one fight. Good lord, I'm thankful

to have blowpipes. A knight with poisons is just generally quite deadly,

Nuincuiel and I feel that there needs to be less theorizing and ultimatums

and more practical diplomacy. Tending herb and poisons locations is a

discipline and a responsibility, not a sweet little skillset that gives you

some extra gold to spend God knows what on.

The only reason I went into great detail about the results of the experiments,

Nuincuiel is to dispel a lot of the distorted thinking some people seem to have

about their growth. Some pickers think they grow just as fast at 10 herbs

than they do 40. Others think picking them down to 1 herb/poison is needed

to limit it being picked by someone else later on. And finally my experiment

was simply to PROVE with hard evidence their growth curves so that no one

could dispute it. That it is the nature of things and doing the dance of rain

over a location won't make them grow any faster. It might seem boring and

tedious, but hey, so is picking them, wouldn't you agree?

(sorry, replace Nuincuiel with Nennieth)

To answer your question, Jarkel, the experiment was performed with valley,

forest and swamp locations. All received the same method of treatment and

controls were used for each.

To summarize, I call for a committee to be appointed by each of our guild-

masters -- The Mages, the Enchanters, the Warlocks, the Wizards, The Thieves,

the Rangers, the Knights, the Cavaliers and the Animists.

A couple GM's/DGM's should represent each guild and discuss ideas on how to

make this finally work. Or at least head us in the right direction.

My initial thoughts were to discuss this with the deities as well so they

can perhaps keep order among us. Too much gum-flapping goes on when all of us

get together. I'd rather it be kept short, sweet and to the point and perhaps

have pizza delivered afterwards.

Awaiting the replies of the Guildmasters,


Written by my hand on the 2nd of Hindyear, in the year 1065.