Retarded Knight.

Gee, you write to Calagan, Subject of Calagan and post to me. And please tell me what cheeting is, and what i do that falls into that catagory? Dunccan you're just sad, you and all your mercinae cronies that follow you knights to the pool and swim t

here extensively could post all you want, i won't reply to them anymore.

You have all drained the fun from existance in this land, whining about everything from me using my skills to being enemied to the city for breaking it's laws. Why don't you just SHUT UP? We all know you won't as no Knight knows what silence is, jus

t like loyalty and honor. But you all sure do know whining, betrayl and running when you're friends and guildmates are in trouble.





Written by my hand on the 25th of Paglost, in the year 1065.