schillins post.

Sir Fireforge, First Amongst Mento Everyone

after reading a post on my city bb, I had a similar thought to Squire Schillin. Perhaps two leagues, one for bigger players, one for us weenies *bah!* Set up by guild GM's, and/or city custodians. I quite like the idea of each city sending a little l

eague team and a big league team, to fight for two mutually agreed prizes. Perhaps The Divinities would be prepared to offer something? I for one would like to get invovled in a little team fighting, without getting my ass continually whupped by playe

rs 4 and 5 times my size. Could you imagine an organized bust up by teams with the likes of Plaman, Threap and Zerina fighting others like Krill, Joely and Kes? Hehe. Then another team bash the rest of us could get involved in... *grin* just a though


Written by my hand on the 6th of Cloudburst, in the year 1060.