Finally! I've been reading this board awhile now and was wondering about the section misnomer. Originally, and foolishly perhaps, I'd assumed it would be an excellent place for a new fighter to pick up a few tips or at least read the issues affecting
long-term fighters. So thanks Maiya for an interesting post, one which makes me scratch the head thoughtfully rather than in despair.
Regarding the brief aside about hammerfist, a skill I'm a few years away from, I can see how those health reductions look unfair. Obviously so. But then that was a comparison between a relative novice and someone on monstrous health., someone who has
attained such a level presumably through being more than competent and is unlikely (as in a previous post concerning cleave) to be hammerfisted in any one-on-one situation. To be honest, I've only been hammerfisted once when tied up by a bandit at whi
ch point the reduction from 100 to 50 was hardly effective, unless they just wanted to break my delicate nose.
Soft equilibrium and hard equilibrium? Okay confused. Could someone stop grinning and explain this to me.
Bloodlust and traversal. Yes, it is a neutral skill, most charming spells are, and yes it is a 'menacing wind' but not in itself an offensive act. Many allies use it to traverse to one's assistance. The only difference being, they usually send a tell
first 'it's me foxedup'. Of course, any silhouette of a 'shadowy figure' has me hitting either the pent button if rits and defs are up or moving, which remains the best way and we can all do it. That said it would be nice if assailants could also sen
d a tell 'it's me wil, and i'm coming to vamp and strip you' so at least i'd know not to put the kettle on.
Bloodlust complicates the issue. You wouln't have brought it up otherwise, I know. If I'm understanding this correctly, you can't traverse to someone DP but you can to someone you might have butchered several times and are unable to attack due to high
BL. The target doesn't move, what then?
Well it has happened to me, mentioning no names, but there was a small entourage of horned creatures and a whiff of brimstone. Now while I was unable to attack, certain little creatures could feed on rituals, leaving me vulnerable to an ally who could
attack. One of those situations where in hindsight I should have moved. But then the flipside, would be that I can target rituals on enemies I lack the lust otherwise and damage them while my allies et cetera. I haven't tried but think scatterspray w
ould also work. I am probably deviating here but was only musing that there are several ways to weaken if not kill an adversary while BL is a factor. Traversal will remain everyone's bugbear simply because you can't just drop a pyramid and be done wit
h it. All I know is never to loiter where there's stuff to take, the guild for instance. And if I'm not prepared to deal with shadowy figures it's up runes and run.
As I said, most of this is maybe by the by, I bring these up only in the spirit of trying to help direct a board to what I thought it might be about. No *pats* from experienced players please. Some of us are trying out here and I for one would appreci
ate helpful posts and not a quick snide remark or put-down. Beyond all issues of skill balances and who has the most sips, herbs and charges, from what I have seen the best fighters are those who fight often and efficiently. And somedays people are ju
st on their game.
So thanks Voltan firstly and then Maiya for an intelligent post that I could have a little think about over the morning coffee. How about it folks? More skill discussion, less insults. Living in hope.
Written by my hand on the 8th of Midsummer, in the year 1059.