Julian - mate, if I may call you mate, when people like Savannah, and just anybody older and bigger than she is now, was little there was no pacifism and bloodlust was more punishment than prevention.
In effect this meant that smaller players were seen and not heard, since any post of the sort of rubbish seen on this board lately would lead to many a helpless death and extended periods chatting in the Pool of Life.
Of course that was also in the days when the Pool was one of a handful of safe places to be.
Lilandrin - I didn't 'diss' anyone, just the concept of honour in Avalon.
The point of it all being the corollary of your statement - that if someone chooses not to behave with honour that is their right and don't 'diss' them.
The irony being of course that I behave far more honourably than you <wink>.
I appreciate you consider yourself an exponent of argument but really, until you understand the concept of charity, as it applies to formal argument you don't achieve much.
By constantly taking the straw-man route you may fool the gullible, but not the people less ignorant than the young and naive.
Animists - I'm sorry, but is there anyone else who thinks that two dozen posts arising on the fighters board because an alleged fighter was distraught at not receiving aide from an animist is quite bizarre?
Written by my hand on the 21st of Leaflost, in the year 976.