In reading Zakath and Orinoko's debate on the relative \"ridicoulousness\" of teleport pills and earthbinding, the following thought came to mind:
I would be willing to trade you my entire skillset of Charming in exchange for the single ability of Earthbinding.
Going once ... going twice ... What? No takers? Not even a nibble on the line?
Let me guess, you already have that skillset embedded in your jewelry. How could I have known, you ask? Well, you know, oddly enough so do I! Doesn't that just beat all?
I must agree with Zakath in his observation that our numbers are dwindling. Unless you define a mage as \"one who casts spells. \" In that case, I suppose everyone in Avalon would qualify.
Imladris the Doubly Charming
Written by my hand on the 25th of Agamnion, in the year 1058.