
Lilandrin, Lioness of the Midnight Sunto Everyone

Flogga... honour is onto everyone personal self. Meaning, if you don't believe in honour, and don't act in what you see an honourable way, then that's your right. Don't go dissing everyone who wants to act with honour. That is their right.

Julian and Arthor...Animists can't take care of themselves, that's why

they work very hard at making themselves the centre of many arguments and

getting the sympathy of a lot of blind folk. And no one is under any

obligation to anyone else to do anything (this includes, my dear Animists

who can read this... rangers! I don't have to listen to your rheortic about

who lives in the forest, and how I may do it). Leave me alone.



Written by my hand on the 6th of Leaflost, in the year 976.