
Ahh, yes Threap you certainly are one to preach how an honourable Knight should act after your stunning display of Chivalric thriumph Today.

First you run across Avalon slaying people even Arthor wouldn't kill, basically killing anyone who doesn't get you in trouble with city politics (I'm sure there isn't anyone in Avalon who'd be surprised if you turned around and killed one of you own c

itizens just for exp). I don't know what cartoons you watched as a kid, but murdering the weak and innocent isn't generally what a Knight does.

And then after all that fun, one of your 'victims' bb's on you, and being yourself you start cussing and using the f-word in shouts at the rest of us as every Knightly gentleman does.

Well let me remind you of a day about a month ago, where you had been hiding out at 'Throne of Vengeance' the entire day. Seeking the moment of seeing Hirad alone, you came out and killed him. Then I portalled in and you were at near-death when you hi

ghtail it and run back into Xanthe's temple. Seeing as we were mid-fight I chase after you and continue to fight you whilst we are inside the temple.

I let you go and retreated out after you ran about 6 or so locations inside, but still later on that day i was disfavoured by Xanthe for stepping foot inside her temple, probably due to your never-ending whining.

Realistically Threap do you see any difference between someone qq'ing or bb'ing from a fight then someone running to their temple or stockroom ? I don't. It's the same kind of cowardice, and that's why you have about as much respect in Avalon as Koyen

and Randon do.

Written by my hand on the 16th of Skyelong, in the year 1050.