Greetings all!
I hate to interrupt a good slugfest with something constructive, but here goes anyhow.
This Saturday at 8 pm (game time, 3 EST , noon PST) I will be holding a mage combat clinic for all those interested.
A special area has been designated for this purpose by the gods, so we will be able to learn from one another unharassed by the outside world.
What I'm offering:
A specific look at each of the mage skills used in combat, both by themselves and in conjunction with others.
An inventory of important equipment and non-guild skills needed for success.
A question and answer session to address specific concerns or needs.
And a tournament to show off and test your newfound skills, with prizes available to those showing the most improvement and innovative ways of triumphing over your opponent(s).
The cost:
5000 gold coins (incurred primarily to ensure that all participants are serious about learning)
ignorance full I believe that you are truly interested and have no way of acquiring the fee, we may be able to negotiate.
Also, a client overview will be available to those who use them...
Please contact me either in person , through letter, or message before the date so that I can plan the clinic accordingly...
I hope to learn as much from those attending as I have to offer, for I most certainly have plenty to learn...
Yours truly,
Written by my hand on the 25th of Hindyear, in the year 1049.