Tells off.

Sorcerer Sylto Mage Fistandantilus, the Modest

My tells are, and have always been, on.

My enemy tells are, and have always been off.

Challenges are for those with honour. I am a sorcerer. I am meant to be evil, wicked, conniving and schemeing. I don't do honour. I tend not to get involved in the challenge system.

I did however attack you at the meeting place shortly after you shouted to Tukar, but decided to give up when I found you were sat in a hotbed of rituals, afraid to come out and had several friends in the same location.

Perhaps you ought to get about a bit more and seek out your enemies, rather than issue challenges in the forelorn hope that they will come wandering into your palce of fortifications to fight on your terms.

If you see me, attack me. I certainly will when I see you.

Written by my hand on the 4th of Skyelong, in the year 1047.