We need a guildmaster, I challenge yousuf for the job, just gona keep it warm for him till he can come on and be here more, lets hope he can come back soon cuz the gods know i have a lot on my plate already but what we will do is setup a guild shop an
d a barracks, also i will talk to the gods about mabey changing the description and expanding on the guild, what do you all think?.
If i do go with the gods i would like to present them with something good, so im making a little competition, i would like each of you to write 7 locations for the guild how you would like to see it, the prize is two, copper swords or the equivilent o
re. Its sorta small potatoes i know but! these swords were once zerinas grin. so it ads a little dimension to the prize.
Written by my hand on the 2nd of Springflower, in the year 1047.