Know your facts.

Apprentice Solan of Thakriato Mage Fistandantilus

You have no idea what you are talking about. For one, I do not jump EVERYone. Yes, I do jump, but so do you. Why would you expect less than to kill me every time we fight? You are a lot bigger than I am, so don't warp your words to make yourself s

eem all high and mighty. I have jumped you I think twice. Once, I killed you. You also jump me, and I have killed you even then too. You even commented me on being heads up for it, remember? I can kill people by jumping them just as easy as I can

by challenging them. Ask everyone I challenge, or that challenges me besides yourself. I win 90% of them so spare me the bullshit about me not being able to do anything in a decent fight. Also, I rarely team. I dont need to. I do very well on my

own. I have NEVER teamed you with Drakath, or anyone. Ask him. And I could care less what your enemies think of you. I think I covered everything, so next time, get your shit straight before posting crap. Oh damn, I forgot, you are a Merc, you c

an't do that.


Written by my hand on the 19th of Leaflost, in the year 1044.