The general Animist rule is if the challenge is MUTUAL no ressing will take place without the victors' permission. This is because some fighters believe challenges are over when the first ghosting and challenge won message appears, and other believe i
ts over when their opponent has shipped.
If you want a res in a mutual challenge - ask the victor to ask for a res on your behalf, if you ask us directly all we will do is ask the victors' permission before sending a portal.
It is therefore best you find out from your opponent what their stance is on challenges before issuing.
However, if you fail to respect our desire to be left in peace, then some of us may fail to respect your desire to ship a foe during a challenge. You can't have it both ways, and to whine and moan about it is extraordinarly laughable.
Elysium, who has just found public posts 6299 to 6303 highly informative.
Written by my hand on the 9th of Mournsend, in the year 1044.