
Purring Alenya, Sidhe Felineto Everyone

Since all I was doing was watching the challenge, and not preoccupied with actual fighting, I thought I might interject a few impartial things here.

Dunccan did bash Babidi's mount during challenge, several times in fact. He did stop short at some point during the challenge, and did not actually kill the animal until after the challenge was over.

Babidi attempted to strip Fistandantilus while they were still in challenge (although he only got a few potions, nice job Fist).

Bumble did send a portal to Fist while they were still in challenge. Fist did not enter it, and Bumble sent a second one after Fist had been ghosted again and the challenge was over. (I'm not entirely sure how Fist had been ghosted before and the ch

allenge was still on, but it was).

And yes, Kalysta did kill Fistandantilus while he was in a mutual challenge with someone else, although I do not believe she was aware of the challenge when she did so. This of course does not excuse the actions, but is still a slight differentiation.

Ok, enough talking from me tonight I think. *smile*

--Purring Alenya, Sidhe Feline

Written by my hand on the 8th of Mournsend, in the year 1044.