The debate so far.

Rangeress Magdalene the Raven Haired Beautyto Everyone

This has so far been a very interesting debate, seeing peoples ideas

on roleplay and avalon as a whole.

Firstly i do not believe fighting to be good roleplay. If you are a

fighter then it is what you say between your fights and how you act with

those around you that (In my mind), constitutes roleplay. There

is no roleplaying skill in bashing a few macro's so lets not pretend

that there is!

Avalon is (as some have said) is very close to real life and what

occurs in Avalon can invoke strong emotions in us - I am sure I am

not the only player who regularly screams 'BASTARD!!!!!' at the monitor

Sometimes in Avalon it is very difficult to find time to roleplay in

Avalon, the structure of the Justice system, the attacks on cities, and

the constant -Someone bashes you, Someone bashes you, The angel of death...

messages mean that you spend so much time pushing buttons and speed typing

that not much time is left for roleplay.


Written by my hand on the 16th of Springflower, in the year 976.