Ok well I got carried away. I am sorry to all of you that read that. I won't be posting anymore so a reply to me will not be read by me. I am not even coming back to this board. I prolly won't even read the public bb. And just so you know I have no ho
mophobe I was directing my verbal onslaught at the aforementioned's homophobe if they have I know not. I used no prafinity, I admit I did use a string of verbally descript inappropiate words.
I don't know how or why but for some reason reading the past posts of this board left me to think that posts like that were ok on this board. I beseech all of you to realise that yes I am young and yes I will make mistakes, but those of you that know
me know that I do not make the same mistake twice. So attack me kill me strip me if you will it doesn't matter those are material things that can be replaced.
My respect and interest in all of you is gone. Do what you want do what you will. Know this since most of you seem to enjoy running and crying about me and my actions I will in turn be doing the same to you and your actions.+
Yeah I am young and to most of you I do not matter right now eh? Well if that is so then why all the hub bub about lil ole me eh? Now think I haven't posted on this board before so what must have happened to make me post something like that?? Hmm well
lets see being teamed and stripped by ppl 10 times bigger than me?? all ults and such ooh wow you are strong and I am weak. Oh well i guess I am done. Have fun ranting and raving without me. Oh yeah did any of you forget to laugh at that post?? I gue
ss jokes like that are for adults right??
Well once again I apologise to all that were offended by my last post.
Written by my hand on the 13th of Paglost, in the year 1043.