I can be said gentlemanly fighter (something I have never professed to be) by when jumping you and you professing OOC reasons, I kill you just once taking a very short period of time, from which you can ress by life potion and be on your way.
I wouldnt jump someone immediately after a challenge, so that's that settled. Plus, in fact there is a rule that was laid down by Lord Proteus in what I believe to be one of his more disparaging moods towards mortals who need to have divine directives
in order to carry on with their lives rather than sorting it themselves. After a challenge you should wait the length of time that it takes to cross avalon and back again before attacking one of the challengees.
As I say I believe that to be a rather saracastic comment if Lord Proteus will forgive me for saying so. The point was however, you should wait a reasonable time before attacking someone who has been in a challenge, it's only fair after all since a go
od challenge will probably result in one challenger dead and the other seriously weakened.
Plus, I would still contest that for someone who had such pressing 'OOC' reasons, that was a remarkably long post you wrote immediately afterwards.
Written by my hand on the 16th of Cloudburst, in the year 1042.