It could be that I get told off for my little exercise however, my point of view is this:
After you issue challenge for a fair few seconds you are very vulnerable, I have been taught the hard way by several people that you should always challenge from a safe location. If not then you stand to be killed before your challenge is even fully i
If you go to the bb, you should do it from a safe place, it you quit you should do it from a safe place. Why else would discern allow you to pick out a person's location when they arent officially in the land?
Shop storerooms are not safe locations, if I had by sheer chance rather than design been standing there and Ananta had suddenly entered into the land completely defenceless, whose fault would that be?
As I say it may well be that Ill receive a reprimand for this, in which case Ill accept it (not that I have any choice) but Ill accept it nonetheless in good grace and abide by any ruling that comes after it. Personally however, Id be inclined to say
more fool you for putting yourself in the situation where you can enter the land completely defenceless in a non-safe location.
Written by my hand on the 22nd of Mournsend, in the year 1042.