
Creal, Six-Gun Banditto Threap

As it has actually been quite some time since our last meeting on the field

of battle, at least as enemies, you might be pleasantly surprised as to

how much of a challenge it is to actually kill me at all. This is of course

dependant on how many decide to band together to claim my head.

Sad as it is though, Ithakus is right. There isn't a threat of death big

enough to make me tow the line. Actually quite the opposite. The more you

threaten, usually the more irreverant and snide I become. If you want my

respect, as I hardly ever give it out to sadistic mindless psychotics,

regardless of how dangerous they are, you might start by showing of your

intellect and at the very least, make sure that your consistant in your

spelling of the word.

Creal, Walking Pin-Cushion of Springdale.

Written by my hand on the 11th of Midsummer, in the year 1040.