The Passions of the Mind.

Lilandrin, Lioness of the Midnight Sunto Everyone

I will try to post all my views on every post lately... this could take a while.

First, Heatar,

I disagree with your claim that you must play a different role then what you do in

real life. I believe that you can explore different facets of your personality in a

safe environment, and prehaps broaden your horizons.

I also think that you are able to grow beyond the world that you inhabit, depending

on what you put into it, and what you try to get out of it. And I would not recommend

playing any other game. Players who come from other games usually have a difficult time

adjusting to how different Avalon is from other games and demand that it comform to them,

instead of trying to learn something new.

Raphaim, you are right, the game does has to be taken as a whole. Fighters don't like to

farm or labour because it doesn't fit their roles, they are fighters, not labourers. Fighters

are the elite (think of the feudal system that grew in Europe) and the peasentry keep the

fighters in clothing and food. I don't think you'll find a single fighter who doesn't think

that people endlessly make commodities to be useless (other then on a social level).

Written by my hand on the 7th of Cloudburst, in the year 976.