I doubt anyone wants this issue to become protracted, certainly not myself. But I just need to clarify a few things.
When you're going for first place, as you were, then coming second is a failure. When you want to be the best, failing to achieve is far from a victory- although, personally, I do rate you as a fighter. (though, to be fair, you make it sound as though
last night involved the entire city of SD on you, not just a knight and a ranger, neither of whom have anywhere near full guild skills, and one of whom didn't have a health potion)
Quite how the going got tough, I'm not sure. I returned to my shop after you'd legged it. I didn't see the point standing out in the open, to get jumped.
Finally, I do fight- but I pick and choose my fights. I'm not your lap-dog, or anyone's. If someone is kind enough to request a challenge, I'll be happy to go along with it 90% of the time. If someone just challenges me, and expects me to be at their
beck and call, they've got issues.
Although I'm really not surprised that you had to stick your oar in, and protract what was essentially a two-post issue, between two people, I was surprised by how ill-informed your response was.
Firstly, I wasn't about, nor were the vast majority of today's paladins, when Threap was elected GM. Also worth noting is that he was the only challenger, Blueskull wasn't even there to vote, and yet Threap only won by a single vote. Go figure.
Secondly, your point was absolutely correct. But quite why you felt it was so opposed to my post is beyond me. Of course fighting prowess does not change from city to city- but success and failure is not judged upon what some hyped-up little Cavalier
percieves to be the be-all and end-all of life (ie. Fighting), but upon personal aspirations. You are only a true success if you achieve your own goals.
P. S., Threap... when I was talking about an iota of fighting experience, I wasn't talking about myself. I'm talking about the fresh young Avalonians who you delight in impressing your superiority upon. In fact, as I recall, the only time you've killed
me in a very long time has been when you've outnumbered me in a team. How heavily ironic.
Written by my hand on the 29th of Midwinter, in the year 1040.