Guess what?.

Wandering Fulgloire, The Wizard Of Lost Dreamsto Everyone

I dug into a boring dictionary, and this one's for you all:

honour: 1. Credit, reputation, good name, nobleness of mind. 2. Allegiance

to what is right or to conventional standard of conduct.

Now, could someone explain me what this has to do with killing CCCs and

tilting your alignment towards the dark side? That's exactly why I chose

neutrality. ALIGNMENT IS BULLSHIT. If a Thakrian has to kill good CCCs

in order to stay alive, what makes him less honourable than a Mercinaean

who kills evil CCCs to stay alive? Nothing except the bullshit that is alignment.

Nothing to do with honour.

angelic: like an angel in beauty (Kes?) or sublimity or power; pertaining to


diabolic(al): of, having to do with, proceeding from, externally like, the Devil

; devilish, inhumanly cruel or wicked or clever or cunning or annoying

(what this philosophical discussion starts to be).

Now can anyone say that Kes deserves the earlier label and that Arthor

deserves the later? I don't think any of you deserve such labels.

Fulgloire, soon to be the god of inspiration (I WISH!!!!!)

Written by my hand on the 2nd of Cloudburst, in the year 976.