It's cool, no problem, I've been screamed at before. smile.
I've also been in EXACTLY the same place as you were, and some of those
who have trashed me have posted here, recently, and know who they are.
But, from being trashed, jumped & teamed, I learnt a lesson. Here, in
Avalon, this happens. Sometimes intentionally, sometimes Accidently,
but it happens. I had learnt to live with it, then I heard from you and
realised that slowly I was becoming like the people I have shouted and
ranted and sworn at in the past. Now I am a little confused.
claw magdalene
Which takes me to my next post.....
claw magdalene
ps You make a well 'ard wight by the way. smile.
Written by my hand on the 27th of Mournsend, in the year 976.