A Statement.

Artisan Allanon, of Springdaleto Everyone

I have belatedly come to realise it is the same usual suspects

spouting their brand of sad drivel to make up for their

inadequacies both within and outside of Avalon.

Whilst occasionally there is some semi amusing banter of late responding to

the posts presents no fun as just another boring response ensues.

As I know the truth and those that have any significance know the truth

I will leave sad sould such as Glowballistic, Lamothe, Huzow etc to make

up whatever tales they wish and bore you all with them without any encouragement

from me.

It amuses me what your fellow citizens must think of what you post when

they experience the reality of dealing with me themselves.

One last point, if being Thakrian is what people like the aforementioned

are like then Thakria really has hit an all time low. Great Thakrians in the past

are no doubt turning in their graves at what a once fearful city has now become.

Written by my hand on the 3rd of Springflower, in the year 1035.